The Chocolate Book Tag

Chocolate Picture

I was tagged by my good friend Stefani over at Caught Read Handed to do the Chocolate Book Tag. Yay! Unsurprisingly, writing this made me want chocolate, so after I post this I’ll be munching on some Terry’s Chocolate Orange segments. Yum! 🙂

Dark Chocolate: A book that covers a dark topic (abuse, domestic violence, rape, loneliness, bullying, death, etc)

The Shock of the Fall  by Nathan Filer

This is about getting inside the mind of a young man suffering from schizophrenia, who spends much of his time trying to convince those around him that his dead brother is communicating with him. It was very powerful but also quite upsetting at times.

White Chocolate: Your favourite light-hearted/humorous read

Motherhood and Hollywood: How to Get a Job Like Mine by Patricia Heaton

The autobiography of the Emmy Award-winning star of one of my favourite comedy shows, Everybody Loves Raymond. Heaton’s dry wit and shameless honesty never fail to make me laugh.

Milk Chocolate: A book that has a lot of hype that you’re dying to read

Star Trek Voyager: Acts of Contrition by Kirsten Beyer

The next in the post-TV series line of novels, this one comes out next month and I absolutely can’t wait! Beyer has done a fantastic job of taking over from Christie Golden and continuing the epic adventures of the crew of the USS Voyager, and I’m so excited to find out where she takes these awesome characters next.

Chocolate with a caramel centre: Name a book that made you feel all gooey in the middle while you were reading it

Never Have I Ever: My Life (so far) Without a Date by Katie Heaney

For anyone who just hasn’t quite mastered the whole “dating” business, this book is a great read that will make you feel great about being free and single in your twenties (if you didn’t already!) Heaney is adorably hopeless at the dating game, and her hilarious commentary on her failed attempts at finding “the one” made me feel much better about my own dismal dating record and had me smiling all the way through.

Wafer-free Kit-Kat: Name a book that surprised you lately

Stoner by John Williams

I randomly picked up this book in my local supermarket while I was waiting for a prescription, and I didn’t expect to love it as much as I did. The fact that it’s set in the world of academia and the main character is an English literature professor made me relate to his personal struggles even more. There was just something about it that I loved.

Snickers: A book that you are going nuts about

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

I could go on and on about how much I love this book, but it’s probably best that you just read my review of it here.

Hot Chocolate with cream and marshmallows: What book would you turn to for a comfort read?

Star Trek Voyager: Mosaic by Jeri Taylor

Yep, another Star Trek novel! My obsession knows no bounds. I wrote about this one in an earlier post about the books which mean the most to me. Suffice it to say, this book is always there for me when I need it.

Box of chocolates: What series have you read that you feel has a wide variety and a little something for everyone?

This is actually a hard one, because most of the series I read are either fantasy or sci-fi, which I know is not for everyone. Going with the idea of variety in a box of chocolates, I’ll just give the top three series which have made a lasting impression on me:

The Banned and the Banished by James Clemens

Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Now over to you guys! I’m tagging all you other chocolate loving bibliophiles out there! If you fancy doing this too, leave a link in the comments so I can read it.

That was fun! Now for some chocolate …

2 thoughts on “The Chocolate Book Tag

    • Thank you so much! I really appreciate that and it’s great to hear that you’re enjoying what I write. I’m actually in the middle of writing another post right now and I have two more in the works for over the weekend. I hope you love Stoner too! Thanks again! I’m following you now too so I look forward to reading what you post. 🙂

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